Search Results
Comparing the Weak Signal Performance of a WBR Regen and an Elecraft K2 on 30M
A(nother) K1 Purchase! - What Did I Get?
K1 Help! A bad LCD segment! Let’s pull off the front panel.
Elecraft K2 - Did you get Info 230? I did
FK8DD/M qso with LZ4YJ RN0SRR RV3NX UR3EL EA5HPX/QRP NM8G on 20m 27/09/2015
K2 - It’s so easy to scan the band! Automatically Too!
elecraft k1 CW on air test Filter 1 2 3
Elecraft at #hamvention
Elecraft K1 SKCC QSO with K3Y/KP4
Elecraft K1 - is my internal battery OK?
TI7W - 3rd attempt